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    One more important message - Do not answer to people pretending to be from xnxx team or a member of the staff. If the email is not from forum@xnxx.com or the message on the forum is not from StanleyOG it's not an admin or member of the staff. Please be carefull who you give your information to.

    Best regards,


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  2. Hello,

    You can now get verified on forum.

    The way it's gonna work is that you can send me a PM with a verification picture. The picture has to contain you and forum name on piece of paper or on your body and your username or my username instead of the website name, if you prefer that.

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    Best regards,


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The Nauhgty Night Prowler, from 22 Acacia Avenue

I already miss my bottle of peach pie wine. So fucking good. May 6, 2021

    1. gagu
      hi onenauhgtygirl29 how ru 2 day .sweet pics like yr puppies + fine bum:-E
    2. SilverLycan
      You naughty girl, you! Hiding my Christmas gift right in front of me. You know I can't wait 3 more days! Oh I'm opening it right now!
    3. freebird69
      :rose::kiss:Love the Christmas wish from you!! Made me glad I am not on the nice list.:rose::kiss:
    4. iron horse
      iron horse
      Thank you so much ONG.
      That was great.
      Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
    5. stumbler
      Now you talk about your Christmas wishes, that's the best wish I've had so far. Thanks ONG and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too.

      And thanks Baby this made my day:)
    6. pimp ur mom
    7. mr one
      mr one
      hahaha ong that funny love it thanks babe!
    8. umpire2
      Love your hat, ONG!
    9. Crosswalker
      You too, ONG.
    10. dirtysanchez619
      wats up i like your pics they are very nice and thanks for the add!!!
    11. smcaaphd
      Bloody Hells Bells Lobster - I thought you'd drowned!!

      Merry Christmas sweetie!! :kiss:
    12. bob___

      you too hun, remember to bundle up when it is cold!
    13. bigbird
      Sweet baby Jeeeesus - I will now !
    14. Arioch
      heh heh, you too hon!
    15. roy8815
      Nice to hear from you!!
    16. PatronofPorn
      Haha, that was a nice picture. :)

      How's you ONG?
    17. shetyei
      Hi there, love the pics, there great
    18. AZRIEL
    19. PatronofPorn
    20. roy8815

      A large, powerfully-built guy meets a woman at a bar. After a number of drinks, they agree to go back to his place. As they are making out in the bedroom, he stands up and starts to undress.

      After he takes his shirt off, he flexes his muscular arms and says, "See that, baby? That''s 1000 pounds of dynamite!" She begins to drool.

      The man drops his pants, strikes a bodybuilder''s pose, and says, referring to his bulging thighs, "See those, baby? That''s 1000 pounds of dynamite!" She is aching for action at this point.

      Finally, he drops his underpants, and after a quick glance, she grabs her purse and runs screaming to the front door.

      He catches her before she is able to leave and asks, "Why are you in such a hurry to go?"

      She replies, "With 2000 pounds of dynamite and such a short fuse, I was afraid you were about to blow!"
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  • About

    22 Acacia Avenue
    Sexual Orientation:


    Feels so good to be a bad girl. :kiss:
    If you want a good girl then goodbye...
    The red light's burning bright tonight.
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