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I made more than $1.3 million in a year from self-publishing books on Amazon. Here's how I drive sales and keep most of the profits.

Mark Dawson shares how much he spends to market his self-published books.
Mark Dawson decided to publish his own books on Kindle Direct Publishing. Courtesy of Mark Dawson
  • Mark Dawson started publishing on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing after his first books sold poorly.
  • He's published over 40 titles and sold millions of copies but still replies to his readers' emails.
  • Dawson said his best business decision was to write a series of books with a recurring character.

This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with Mark Dawson, 49, an author from Salisbury, England, about publishing via Kindle Direct Publishing. Insider has verified his earnings and pricing with documentation. It has been edited for length and clarity.

My first two books didn't sell. They weren't very good books, which didn't help.

They were published in 2001 and 2003 by Macmillan. The covers weren't great. They didn't get great marketing. At the time, I was a lawyer working in London for a big litigation practice, which I didn't much enjoy.

I took six months off and started working for the British Board of Film Classification, where I was being paid to watch TV and give age ratings. It was great.

I stopped writing for years, but I still had ideas in the back of my mind for things I might want to write about.

A couple of my friends said they published books themselves on Kindle. They weren't making tons of money but were making some.

They were getting direct contact with readers, which I'd never had before.

I had started writing another book in 2010. I spoke with my agent. We tried to reach out to publishers, as I wasn't sure whether I wanted to self-publish it. But no one agreed to publish it.

Without really any other choice, I thought: "Let's see how it goes."

I decided to make the first book, in 2012, free for readers. Kindle allows you to do that if you are exclusive to Kindle Direct Publishing.

There are also services that allow you to promote your free e-book on their lists of readers who are interested in that genre.

A total of 41,000 copies were downloaded from Amazon alone. I was stunned. I had no idea that was possible.

But there was no mailing list for readers to join. They might enjoy the book, but there was no second book. I had missed an opportunity.

I learned one of the most valuable things that authors can have is a mailing list. It's the best way to contact people.

When I wrote my second book for Kindle, I added an option to sign up for my mailing list at the back of the previous one. I could start to drive readers to the new book knowing that they'd probably like it.

Now I say: "If you'd like to join on my mailing list, I'll send you a free short story" — or something along those lines.

One of the best business decisions I made was writing a series with a recurring character

A continuing character is very good for marketing. If you get people to invest in the character, they're much more likely to buy the next book.

I started writing the John Milton series. Within a few weeks of publishing the first one in July 2013, I got quite a lot of sales.

It was more attractive to readers, faster, and easier to write. That was a good equation for increasing sales.

I was commuting into London from Salisbury on the train for work. It was the best office space I'd ever had. I would put my headphones on and write for 90 minutes there and back. I published four novels in that first year on KDP.

I started making much more from the books than what I was making at my day job. I quit my job in November 2014 and started writing books full time.

I usually write 2,000 words in the morning. I work on the business side in the afternoon.

I do advertising, correspondence with readers, contracting cover designers, writing blurbs — all the other things you have to do that go with being a writer that in the traditional world of publishing, they would do for you.

As a one-man band, you do everything yourself.

Digital advertising is essential for self-publishing, but don't spend more than you can afford to lose

I started to experiment with advertising on Facebook in 2014 and Amazon in 2018. It didn't work at all to start with. I taught myself over time with a lot of trial and error. I looked at other digital entrepreneurs and then tried to reverse engineer what they were doing and make it work for books.

I tried to target too broadly. I wasn't tracking both Amazon and Facebook ads properly and matching the data up. It took me awhile to get it right.

With digital advertising, you can home in on people who are looking at the same kinds of books as yours on Amazon. We can use Facebook's machine learning to effectively identify readers who are likely to be tempted to click to see what we're offering.

Those days, it was really cheap to pay for click ads. Now it's more expensive but still doable for independent authors.

My advice is to start spending $5 a day using Facebook or Amazon. Try to get to a point where advertising is returning more than you're spending and then invest the profit you make.

If it continues to go well, you can hopefully spend three figures a day.

I reply to all of my readers' emails. It's one of the most powerful ways to market.

I enjoy replying to readers all around the world and thank them for taking the time to read the book.

If you read my book, and I write back to say how much I appreciate that, there's a chance you might tell your friend that an author has done that. When I was growing up, it would have been incredibly powerful for me to receive a reply from my favorite writer.

Before you know it, you've got fans for life.

My book has to be on an equal footing with competitors who have traditional publishers behind them

I have to write a really good book. The cover and blurb have to be just as punchy and effective as theirs.

You need to invest in good editing. Once I finish the book, it gets a copyedit, then comes back to me. I'll then either accept or reject those changes. Then the second version comes to a team of beta readers, who fact-check details for me.

You can't afford to have typos. Professionalism is very important.

I get 70% of the profits from my books, much more than I ever got from traditional publishing

You have to sell an awful lot of books traditionally to get anywhere near what you make by selling not as many yourself.

Every time I sell a book for £4 on KDP, I get about £2.84, or about $3.45.

The books made me $1.3 million in 2021. I spend a bit on advertising, but there's no production cost. It's all digital with very low overhead.

I don't think most people understand what's possible financially and how easy it is to get books out there these days.

Self-publishing has changed my life. When I was commuting into London, I would get up before the kids were awake and I'd be home at 8 p.m. when they were asleep.

Now I get my kids up and take them to school before I start writing. I get to watch them grow up. I will never forget how lucky I am.

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