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    You can now get verified on forum.

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  1. David58

    David58 Porn Star

    Apr 17, 2009
    How did your first gangbang happen.Was it planed or were you drunk? How many men did you the first time you had group sec?
  2. David58

    David58 Porn Star

    Apr 17, 2009
    Well I know some women here have done gangbangs .We want to hear about them
  3. GemmaSwinger101

    GemmaSwinger101 Porn Star Banned!

    Oct 11, 2012
    who's we?
  4. lynn-nyc

    lynn-nyc Porno Junky

    Oct 30, 2006
    I was 20 years old at the time. I went to the Jersey shore, At a bar where college guys from Philadelphia and southern New Jersey hung out, I got carded but got in with a fake id. I hooked up with three guys and was invited to their motel room. They swore all they wanted was bj's.

    At the motel, there were dozens of guys and some far fewer girls around the pool. I went to a room with two of the guys and the bj lead to some serious fucking. Two other guys came into the room while we were having fun.

    When I finished with the first two, I went to the bathroom and pee'd. When I came out the second pair of guys were naked and ready for some action. So I did them too. At some point we were joined by a third guy. I think this guy was one of the guys I met at the bar.

    I did five guys in all and slept at the motel. About noon the next day I also sucked three guys, two guys from the night before and a new guy. They wanted to fuck bt my pussy was tender from the night before.

    I don't think I ever saw any of them after that night.

    No one used rubbers and I relied on the birth control pills I was taking.

  5. David58

    David58 Porn Star

    Apr 17, 2009
    Thanks Lynn