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Lana Kendrick Boob Measurements

Lana Kendrick is getting curvier by the day, which means her boobs are growing, which is very good news for all of us. She is now topping out at an impressive 32HH, and here she is with a tap measure to prove it …

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4 thoughts on “Lana Kendrick Boob Measurements”

  1. me gustaría saber cuales son las medidas de LANA, puesto que posee un cuerpo magnifico, excelso, impresionante

  2. Definitely a different version of Lana than before, when she was lean. Don’t get me wrong, I love both versions (and everything in between); at 5’11” with this added amount of Lana, she definitely belongs in the ‘Valkyrie/Amazon’ category.

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